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雅思口语解析:A Foreign Country

雅思口语解析:A Foreign Country

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven't been to.

  You should say:

  where this place is

  what it is like

  what you can do in this country

  and explain why you want to visit this country.


  首先思路方面,地点类话题我们是有套路的,一定会包括这个地方在哪,你在那里可以看到&做什么,什么时候去,跟谁去等要点。一般what you can see&do there会是描述的重点。


  一般现在时:在开头陈述这个国家的地理状况的时候使用(it's located somewhere,it's a ... country);

  过去时:因为这个国家是自己没有去过的,所以它的一切信息我们肯定都是通过去过的人、电视电影、网络等途径,可能会说my friend told me that.../ I saw ... on TV/ I got to know about ... from the internet来引出我们对这个国家的了解,也就是what you can see;

  虚拟语态:如果真的去了这个国家你会做些什么,也就是what you would do,当然这部分如果不用if从句用一般现在时也是OK的。

  最后素材方面,建议大家把这个国家最吸引你的特色尽量详细地描述出来,而不是列举它的概况,如此才能让我们的答案听起来真实自然,而不是从维基百科上背了一篇词条解释。比如想去Korea的话,就可以重点说我从Korean melodramas里面看到韩国的各种美食(delicious food&snacks),或者韩国人穿衣服非常stylish所以我想去go on a shopping spree there(spree这个词听起来是不是特别熟悉呢,玩英雄联盟的同学如果你们想不起来的话那真的可以删游戏了,大杀特杀就是killing spree,shopping spree就是大买特买);如果想去Japan的话,(你们知道有些真实的理由是不可以讲的)所以我们讲些健康的比如日本的hot spring非常的famous,想要去experience一下tea ceremony(茶道)和ikebana(花道),也想去taste那里的seafood,sashimi(刺身),kaiseki meals(怀石料理)等。我们这里给出比较general的参考,当然还是更鼓励同学们在作答时给出有个性的内容。

  what you can see in a foreign country:

  aurora(极光), a magnificent/spectacular/exotic view, more civilised behaviour of local people, the firework festival, the celebration of ... festival, the parade of national festival etc.

  what you can do in a foreign country:

  water sports, hiking, have a ride on ..., bungee jump, go on a shopping spree, visit theme parks, taste the local food, learn about the local culture etc.

  Speaking of a foreign country I'd like to visit, the first one that comes to my mind is the U.S. It's a huge country in North America and it's literally the first foreign country I've ever heard of in my life. Since I was a kid, my dad began to show my the music videos of Michael Jackson and play Mariah Carey's songs all day. These people's names might sound quite old school but at that time they seemed really cool to me. I guess that was the root of my interest in this country. And of course when I become a teenager I began to have passion for hollywood films and TV series, which are mostly about different people realising their American dreams. So the US has always been giving me this impression that anything could happen in that wonderland. From the films and the my geographic knowledges, there're big cities like LA and New York City which are really modern. On the west coast, you can enjoy the sunshine and have a ride on a yacht. I saw girls riding bikes wearing bikini on the streets of LA, and it was surprising that no one would judge them for anything. It's hard to imagine that happening in China to be honest. Also I've seen people bungee jumping in the Big Canyon on the internet, it just seems so thrilling and totally exciting. LA is definitely the city that I long for the most, because I'm really into water sports and those beaches seem really attractive. I guess that's the main reason why I want to visit the US.



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