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雅思口语解析:Person in the news

雅思口语解析:Person in the news

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

  You should say:

  Who he or she is;

  What did this person show up on TV;

  How you know this person;

  and explain why you want to meet him/her.






  人物:businessman/ entrepreneur/ actor/ actress/ singer/ songwriter/ sportsman/ dancer/ ordinary people ….


  Topic:白芳礼——感动中国 Moving China

  In his early 90s /Hale and hearty/ salt and pepper hair

  Occupation: Cyclo /Pedicab driver(三轮车夫) for 60 years/ illiterate

  Personality: generous 慷慨的/ warm-hearted 热心的/ responsible 有责任心的/ diligent勤勉的/positive energy

  Story: he saved more than 350 million RMB and donated it to the charity to help students from disadvantaged families/ deprived families to finish tertiary education. In the past 60 years, he successfully sponsored more than 300 students, helping with their tuition fee and living expense.

  Influence:mentor 导师/ role model 榜样/deliver positive energy 正能量/thought–provoking 引人深思的…, touching…;

  Well, a person in the news that I want to meet is an old man, Bai fangli. He was a very ordinary person, a nobody. If you meet him on the street you might never pay even a glimpse to him. 6 years ago, he was nominated as the top 100 figures of China in a Chinese TV programme called “Moving China”, mainly because of his extraordinary contribution to the society. The news I saw was on CCTV3 four years ago, when I was in high school, saying that Mr. Bai was given a special prize in Moving China again, and that was exactly the time I knew this old respectable man. In the news, I learned the story of Bai fangli. An old man who lived on a menial job, pedicab driver, for 60 years but saved more than 350 thousand RMB and donated it to the charity and successfully sponsored more than 300 students from disadvantaged families to finish tertiary education, helping with their tuition fee and living expense. When I saw that news, I was shocked and I even doubted it, I mean people are nowadays busy with their own stuff and are less likely to care about others, I mean, they are getting more and more indifferent. And, the connection between neighbors and even relatives is getting weaker and weaker. How could it be possible for a person to give out all his savings helping people he barely knew? But, his story turned out to be a truth as my mom told me that a friend of her has received the fund given by Mr. Bai and finished his education. Sadly, Mr. Bai passed away several years ago, I will never have the chance to meet him in person but I have to say if I were given the chance I would like to talk to him and show my respect and gratitude. The reason is quite simple, just because of that piece of new I started to do unpaid work in community and deliver the positive energy I got from Mr. Bai. I am proud of what I am doing and who I am now.



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