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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:过去不喜欢但现在喜欢的科目

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:过去不喜欢但现在喜欢的科目

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest in now.

  You should say:

  what it was

  when you studied the subject

  why you didn't like it before

  and explain why you have interest in it now.


  Well, I'm afraid that the subject that I didn't like in my high school was physics. But I had to learn it because of the exams, you know, it was one of the compulsory courses during the entire middle school for six years.


  My physics teacher always tended to be demanding with us, he seemed like making the abstract theory more obscure, and sometimes I didn't understand what my teacher had said, and he also left endless homework to us, which really made me frustrated. I felt that physics was the most challenging subject in the world.


  Another reason was that there were too many abstract formulas I had to remember. You know, I was not good at memorising things, so I often used the incorrect formula in the exams, and made lots of mistakes and got low marks as a result. But after I grew up, I found that physics was a really indispensable curriculum in the school education because it could help me develop the logical and rigorous thinking pattern so that I sometimes found myself a critical thinker. Besides, with the knowledge of physics, I'm aware of many physical phenomenon round me, such as optics, mechanics, which helps me understand the intrinsic principle of many devices.




  2.必修课:compulsory courses

  3.中学六年:during the entire middle school for six years

  4.留了一堆作业:left endless homework

  5.让我累死了:make me frustrated

  6.最有挑战的科目:the most challenging subject

  7.抽象的公式:abstract formulas

  8.逻辑和严谨的思考方式:logical and rigorous thinking pattern

  9.物理现象:Physical phenomenon

  10.例如光学,such as optics,mechanics



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