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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:最喜欢的公园/花园

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:最喜欢的公园/花园

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe your favourite park/garden.

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What can be seen there

  How often you go there

  And explain why you like it.


  Well, as you can imagine, I've been to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, I guess I would probably say Taiziwan Park, which is somewhere in the centre of Hangzhou, not far from the West Lake.

  And regarding what you can see there, well I guess the first thing to mention would be the tulips, which are really gorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, I'm sure if you look on the Internet, you'll probably be able to see some photos of the park and the flowers. And as well as the tulips, another thing that a lot of people go to see is the cherry blossom, which is quite literally stunning, especially in the spring time. Unfortunately though, I've seen quite a number of people shaking the blossom off the branches, which means it disappears quicker than it would do naturally. So it's a bit of a pity, as nothing much can really be done about it. But anyway, it's honestly no exaggeration to say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and that's why you'll also see a lot of young couples there taking wedding photos.

  Anyway um, as for how often I go there, well if truth be told, I don't really go there all that often, probably only something like three or four times a year, the main reason being that it gets really crowded on weekends, and it's a bit of an effort to get to from where I live.

  So finally then, with regard to why I like this park, well there's not really that much more to say about it, you know, it's just a really nice and scenic place to go and relax. Oh yeah, and the other great thing about it is that it's free entrance, which didn't use to be the case a while ago, so I guess I'll be going there more often in the future!

  That's pretty much it, then, so thanks for listening.


  all over the place - 到处都有

  tulips - 郁金香

  cherry blossom - 樱花

  stunning - 抢眼

  it's honestly no exaggeration to say - 毫无夸张的说

  it's a bit of an effort to get to from where I live - 从我住的地方到那边比较麻烦。



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