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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:想与之交谈的老人

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:想与之交谈的老人

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  Describe an old person who you like to talk to.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know them what you usually talk about

  and explain why you like to talk to him or her.


  Well, the first person that came to mind when looking at this topic was actually one of my neighbours, who I guess must be approaching her 80s now, and so I'd like to tell you a little bit about her and why I enjoy talking with her.

  As for how I got to know her in the first place, well if I'm not mistaken, I met her when I was walking my two dogs in the gardens of the apartment complex where I live, and one of my dogs just ran straight up to her, and literally jumped up and gave her a hug! I remember at the time, I was slightly worried because I wasn't sure if she liked dogs or not, but thankfully, it turned out that she was a big animal lover, so she had no problem with my dogs, and she now even looks forward to seeing them every time she comes out for a walk.

  Anyway, with regard to what we talk about when we see each other, well, it's kind of hard to say, because there's not really anything in particular that we always talk about, you know, it could be the weather, my studies, something in the news, but generally what normally happens is that she asks me how things are going, and after listening to me she will then offer some of her thoughts and advice, which I really appreciate, because she's obviously experienced a lot more than I have in life.

  And just to give you a little example of some of the stuff we talk about, when I bumped into her a few days ago, I mentioned to her a problem I was having with an essay I had to write, because it was a two and a half thousand-word essay about something extremely dull, and, for the life of me, I couldn't think of anything to write. But she just said to me, "forget about how much you need to write, just imagine you can write it as long or as short as you want." And it was amazing, because when I changed my mindset to how she suggested, it suddenly became much easier to write the essay, and I even ended up writing over three thousand words.

  So this is just one example, and I guess it partly explains why I like talking with her a lot, because, she's always able to give me good advice, whether it be in my studies or any other aspect of my life,and I'm super grateful to her for this.

  I should also finally mention that she's an incredibly nice lady, so it's always really enjoyable chatting with her.

  Thanks very much for listening.



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