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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:从家人身上学到的经验/技能

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:从家人身上学到的经验/技能

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  Describe something useful you learned from a member of your family.

  You should say:

  what it was

  who you learned it from

  how you learned it

  and explain why you think it is useful.


  Ok, well after a bit of thought, what I've decided I'd like to talk about is what I learned from my granddad about how to invest in the stock market.

  And as for why he taught me this, well firstly, it was because my grandad understood the importance of investing, as he would always say that it's much better having your money work for you rather than the other way round! So that's one thing, and I should also mention the fact that he used to really love playing the stock market, and in fact, I think I would go so far as saying that he spent most of his time doing it,partly, I suppose, because it kept his mind active, but probably more because he kind of saw it as a way of helping the family. In other words, what I mean is that he was doing this in order to try and maximise the inheritance that he would eventually pass down to us, which was very considerate of him.

  And I suppose one other reason for him teaching me about the stock market is that he was aware that at school, we weren't really taught about money or investment, so he must have realized that this was something that he was in a good position to teach me about, you know, what with all his experience in the business world.

  But anyway, regarding how my granddad taught me about the stock market, well what he mainly did was just spent a lot of time explaining to me all the different factors that affected share prices, and he also told me what kind of things to look for in a company before investing in it. A lot of it was also trial-and-error, because naturally, I didn't get it right every time, especially at the beginning, but my grandfather would always help me try to learn from my mistakes and see where I went wrong. And in so doing, I became quite good at it!

  And it's great, coz I'll be able to use this knowledge for the rest of my life. So I'm super grateful to my granddad, and will make sure I pass the same knowledge onto my own children and grandchildren!


  I should also mention the fact that = 我也应该提到的是……

  Play the stock market = 炒股票

  I would go so far as saying that = 我甚至会说......(you can also say, "I would go as far as saying that...")

  what with all = 考虑到 (this isn’t a direct translation, but it’s probably the closest in this instance. It is only appropriate to use "what with all" as "考虑到" when it is at the end of the sentence.

  trial-and-error = 反复试验

  in so doing = 这样一来 / 这样做,……(you can also say, "in doing so" or "by doing this"



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