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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:有趣的动物

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:有趣的动物

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.

  You should say:

  What animal it was

  Where you saw it

  What happened when you saw it

  And explain why you thought it was interesting.


  Ok then, well the time I'm gonna talk to you about is when I saw a monkey, actually a group of monkeys to be exact, um, at uh... Hangzhou Zoo, along with a lot of other animals there. But I found the monkeys to be the most interesting to look at, as I'll (come to) explain in a moment.

  So uh, what can I say about them? Um…well, firstly I'm not exactly sure what species of monkey they were, I'm afraid. You know, I didn't really pay that much attention to the placard at the bottom explaining what they were, cos my eyes were just drawn to all the movement in the cage! So all I can really say is that they were small monkeys.

  And the reason I found them interesting was that they seemed to kind of have this, like, strong awareness of the fact that I was there, you know, they could, like, sense my presence and um, it sort of felt like they were communicating with me in some kind of way when I made eye contact with them.

  It was also funny seeing them darting around the cage, you know, and climbing around all the trees. I mean, they literally couldn't sit still for five minutes! And that's another reason why I found them so fascinating to watch.

  So yeah, I think I've pretty much covered everything, but I'll just finish by saying that I think they're really cute animals, and you know, looking at their hands, it's like miniature versions of our hands, and it's just so cute seeing how they hold stuff, you know, like how they clutch bananas and things when they're eating them.

  I'll stop there, cos I think time's pretty much up!


  …as I'll (come to) explain in a moment – 我一会儿就解释。

  Species - 物种

  Placard – the written explanation of each animal by each cage at the zoo

  Drawn to = attracted to

  darting around = moving very quickly,快速移动

  literally – here it means: 确实地;真正地;不加夸张地 You use literally to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it seems exaggerated or surprising

  cover – here it means: (在演讲、课程或书中)讨论,涉及 If you cover a particular topic, you discuss it in a talk, course, or book.

  Miniature - 微小的;(尤指)微型的,微缩版的 Miniature is used to describe something which is very small, especially a smaller version of something which is normally much bigger

  Clutch = hold tightly, 抓紧

  time's pretty much up = 时间差不多到了!



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