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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:有效的休闲方式

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:有效的休闲方式

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a way to relax that you find effective.

  You should say:

  when you usually do this

  where you usually do it

  who is usually with you

  and explain why this is relaxing for you.


  Ok, well probably like most people, I do quite a lot of things to help me relax, but I'd say one of the most effective ways for me is simply just reading, which is quite funny, because when I was younger, I had absolutely no interest in books at all.

  But anyway, as for when I usually read, well it could be any time of day really, but I tend to read in the evenings, because during the daytime, I'm normally busy with other stuff, so I don't usually have time until the evening.

  And as for why I find reading so relaxing, well first of all, it hardly requires any effort apart from holding the book of course! So it's a really nice way to wind down after a long day. And what I like to do is make myself as comfortable as possible when I'm reading, so I'll normally either read on the sofa or go and lie on my bed.

  So that's one thing, and I suppose another reason why reading is so relaxing would be that it's nice and peaceful,which makes a pleasant change from all the noise going on around me when I'm out working during the day. Having said that though, what I do often quite like to do when I'm reading is put on some quiet music in the background, which I find makes it even more enjoyable, especially if I have a nice big cup of coffee next to me.

  What else is there to say…um....Oh yeah, one final thing to mention would be that, out of all the books I read, I find I can relax best when I'm reading novels, and I guess the reason for this is that reading them kind of helps me take my mind off things, if you know what I mean!

  So yeah, this is basically why I find reading so relaxing and enjoyable.



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