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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:科技在生活中的应用

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:科技在生活中的应用

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1.题目:What technology or equipment is used in most workplaces nowadays?

  考官建议:give a list of different technologies, then talk about one in detail

  考官答案:In most workplaces people use equipment such as computers, phones, printers, fax machines and photocopiers. I think the computer is probably the most essential piece of equipment because we rely on it for almost everything: communicating by email, writing reports, organising data, and finding information on the Internet.

  2.题目:Does technology help workers, or does it make their lives more difficult?

  考官建议: talk about the positives AND the negatives:

  考官答案:Technology definitely helps workers because it makes many tasks so much easier. For example, email is such a useful tool for communication between employees in different offices, or even in different countries. On the other hand, technology can make life more difficult, especially when it goes wrong. It causes a lot of stress when the Internet is down or a computer crashes.

  3.题目:What effect does new technology have on employment?

  考官建议: give the good effects AND the bad effects:

  考官答案:I think technology is often responsible for people losing their jobs. Machines have replaced people in areas like manufacturing and agriculture, and whenever a new technology is introduced, there are redundancies. At the same time, jobs might be created thanks to a new technology; there would be no computer programmers if the computer hadn't been invented.



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