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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:最喜欢的海边休闲活动

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:最喜欢的海边休闲活动

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a leisure activity near the sea you like most.


  Useful phrases:

  Ok, well I'd say the activity I probably like most when I'm on the beach is…

  beach volleyball / frisbee 飞碟 / making sand castles 建造沙堡/ simply just lying on a deck chair 躺椅andlistening to the sound of the waves.

  Unfortunately, I don't (really) get that much of a chance to(我没有那么多机会) play it, because I live quite far from the coast.

  …so I only get the chance to play/do it when I'm on holiday, which is probably only about once or twice a year (or something左右).

  It would be nice to do it more often, but what with work and everything(但由于工作和种种原因), it's just not possible.

  (But anyway), as for who I play it with, well what normally happens is that I start playing with a few of myfriends who are with me on holiday, and then other people at the beach see us and ask if they can join (in).

  Or it's the other way round, you know, I'll see people playing and ask to join (in).

  The reason I enjoy it so much is that it's just so fun, especially jumping around in the sand,

  …what (also) makes it fun is that It's something that I normally don't get the chance to do.

  The other cool thing about it is that you can dive for the ball (鱼跃救球) and land softly in the sand, whereas而 if you tried doing that on a hard surface like concrete 混凝土, it would be extremely painful, as you can imagine! (就像你可以想象的!)

  It's also really good exercise, 这是很好的锻炼

  and I always feel (absolutely) exhausted 累死了after playing it.

  It's also a good way to make friends, because as I mentioned just now, I often end up playing with other people on the beach……and afterwards we might hang out for a bit……



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