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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:小学数学课

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:小学数学课

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  Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school.

  You should say:

  When and where you attended the class

  What the teacher taught

  What you did

  And explain what you learned from the class / how you felt about the class.


  Ok, well to tell you the truth, I honestly don't really remember any of my maths classes at primary school that well at all, because it's been such a long time since I took them. But I suppose one class that I have at least a vague memory of was my very first maths class, so that's what I'm gonna talk to you about.

  And as for when I attended the class, well I suppose I must have been about seven or eight years old, because that's the age when most children start primary school here in China.

  And regarding what the teacher taught us in that class, well if truth be told, I can't actually remember a thing he taught us, and I would be lying if I said I did! I mean, all I remember is him introducing himself and giving us our new text books. But in terms of the maths itself, I literally can't remember a word he said, because all we did was just go through the textbook. But my guess would be that we just did basic equations, you know, like two plus two equals four, three times three equals nine, because at that age we could only handle very simple arithmetic.

  Anyway, as for how I felt about the class, well to put it simply, it left no impression on me at all, because I mean, I think for any child of that age, simply just ploughing through the textbook in class is extremely boring. In fact it's mind-numbingly boring! You know, when we're that young, we kind of need a bit more stimulation and excitement to concentrate.

  So I think it would have been a lot more fun if the teacher had given some practical examples of how we could actually use maths in our everyday lives, as this would have helped spark my interest. You know, it would have made the maths come alive a bit more. But as I mentioned just now, all we did was just look at equations in the text book, without having any idea of their relevance to our lives. So I kind of just switched off in all of my maths classes, cos they were all as bad as each other, unfortunately!


  vague memory = 模糊的印象

  mind-numbingly boring = 使人思想麻木的无聊

  I switched off - 我走神了



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