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雅思口语解析:A Childhood Song

雅思口语解析:A Childhood Song

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.

  You should say:

  where you (first) heard this song or melody

  how old you were when you first heard it

  what the song (or melody) was about

  explain how you felt (or feel now) when you heard (or hear) this song






  1.音乐词汇: 儿歌lullaby, 歌词lyrics, 旋律 melody, 音符note, 节奏rhythm

  2.场合:幼儿园kindergarten, 真人秀reality show, 电视剧集TV dramas, 动画animations

  3.其它搭配:改编:be adapted into/from; 普及的 widespread;



  Recently, I'm really into a staring reality show called where are we going dad, and the original soundtrack of the show is written based on a very widespread and popular English lullaby "Twinkle Twinkle little star" , which is quite familiar to almost every kid in China, including me.

  I could still remember it was like 20 years ago, when I was in kindergarten. My teacher first played and sang the Chinese version of this song to us in a music course. The pleasant melody and poetic lyrics immediately captured our ears & heart. Sooner after that, it became a hit in our class and every kid loved singing it all the time.

  Well, about the content of the song, I heard it's actually adapted from an English poem. And the lyrics vividly picture about the beauty of the twinkling stars and our wonders towards it. Personally, I think the part that describes the stars as the shining diamond, is written so beautifully. It's definitely my favorite line from the song.

  Every time I heard the song, it would remind me about those care-free days in my childhood. At that time, humming along with the melody of the song, we constantly played games and counted stars together under the staring sky at night. So memorable!

  Also, since the song is so nicely written, when I hear or sing it, a beautiful picture of the staring night always arises in my mind. Then, it would easily set me free from the trivia, the troubles of daily life and bring me a sense of relief. I just love it a lot.



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