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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:音乐活动

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:音乐活动

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  Describe a musical event you have seen in some place or on TV

  You should say

  what kind of musical event it was

  how you knew about it

  why you saw it

  and explain what you thought of it


  Well, I'm fortunate enough to have been to a number of musical events, but one which really stands out in my memory was a pop concert I went to about a year or so ago here in Hangzhou.

  And as for how I knew about the concert, well I honestly can't remember, but what's probably most likely is that I heard about it through one of my friends called Ronnie, who always seems to know what's going on around the city.

  Anyway, as to why I decided to go to it, well, to put it simply, it was because one of my favourite popstars, Jolin Cai, was performing, and I had never been to see her live before, so that was basically why.

  And finally, regarding what I thought of it, well, in terms of the music, I thought it was a pretty good concert, because each of the popstars performed a good selection of songs, and even though I was sitting quite far back, I could still hear everything really clearly.

  So that was one thing, and another thing I liked was the fact that the concert was quite interactive, because there was a host who interviewed each of the popstars when they came up on stage, and at one point, a female star even invited a guy from the crowd to sing a duet with her. Unfortunately though, I didn't know the lyrics of that particular song, so I didn't put my hand up to volunteer.

  But what left the deepest impression on me was when one of the singers, called Xie Tingfeng, invited a fan, who was a disabled girl in a wheelchair, onto the stage, and gave her a big hug, which really moved me. And he then took off his jacket and gave it to the girl as a memento, which was also very touching.

  So yeah, it was a pretty memorable concert, which I enjoyed very much. Thanks a lot for listening.



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