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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:让你发笑的事

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:让你发笑的事

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe something that made you laugh.

  You should say:

  what it was

  when it was

  what happened

  and explain why you laughed.


  Ok, well something that really made me laugh recently was a short video I watched on the Internet, which was of a guy doing various impressions of different English accents, as well as a few Chinese ones. So for example, one impression he did was of an American guy speaking Chinese, and another one was a French guy speaking English, which wasabsolutely hilarious, because it sounded so similar to how a lot of French people speak English.

  Anyway, regarding how I heard about this video, well it was basically just one of my university coursemates who first told me about it. And he was so insistent that I watch it that he emailed me a link to the video, which I watched pretty much as soon as I received his email, because from what he had said about the video, it sounded really funny, so I couldn't wait to watch it.

  And I'm glad to say that it definitely lived up to my expectations, and at one point I think I was laughing so much that my sides were beginning to hurt. Thankfully no one else was around when I watched it, otherwise I'm sure they would have looked at me in a very strange way! But anyway, in the end, I think I must have ended up watching the video about seven or eight times, after which I then forwarded the link to some of my other friends, who I knew would also enjoy watching it.

  So yeah, I'd say it's definitely one of the funniest things I've watched in quite a while, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if this video goes viral, because everyone I know who's watched it also thought it was hilarious. And who knows, the guy who made it, who I think was called Mike Sui, might well go on to become quite famous, because he's definitely got the talent!



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