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雅思口语Part 2&3范文:不满意的购物

雅思口语Part 2&3范文:不满意的购物

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with.

  You should say:

  what the item was

  when and where you bought it

  why you bought it

  and explain why you were not happy with this product.


  Ok, well I’d actually like to begin by saying that there aren’t really that many things I’ve bought which I’ve been dissatisfied with, so it was kind of difficult trying to come up with something to talk about. But then I remembered some moisturizing cream I once bought which I wasn't happy with at all, so that's what I'm going to talk about.

  And as for when I bought it, well if I remember correctly, it must have been about 2 or 3 months ago, some time around the beginning of the summer, and I got it at Watson's, which I'm sure you're familiar with, as they have stores all over the place.

  Anyway, regarding why I bought it, well basically it was because I use moisturizing cream every day, as my skin tends to go quite dry after washing it, which I guess is normal for most people. So when I saw that I was about to run out of it at home, I went to go and get some more. However, what happened was I couldn't find the brand that I normally use, so I decided to experiment and try out a new brand.

  And with regard to why I wasn't happy with it, well to put it simply, it was because it hardly did anything. I mean, it seemed to work for the first ten minutes or so, but after that, my skin somehow went dry again, and so I had to put more cream on. Another thing I should mention is the fact that the brand I bought was a pretty high-end one, so it wasn't cheap by any stretch of the imagination. And compared with the brand I had been using before, the quality turned out to be a lot worse.

  So considering the money I had spent, I was expecting a lot better. And because I knew there was no way I would be able to get a refund, I ended up just throwing it away and going back to my old brand.

  So yeah, it was a bit of a waste of money, but at least I've learnt that if something's expensive, it by no means guarantees that the quality will be good!

  That's about it then, so thanks for listening.



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