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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:参观过的房子/寓所

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:参观过的房子/寓所

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a house or apartment that you have (recently) visited.

  You should say:

  where it was (or is)

  when you visited it

  what it looked like

  and explain why you visited it.


  Ok then, well the place that I'd like to talk to you about was actually a show home that I went to visit with my parents, which was in a newly developed apartment complex not far from where we live. And I suppose it must have been about two or three weeks ago when we went there.

  As for why we went there, well it was simply because we're thinking of buying a flat as an investment. You know here in China, this is a very common thing to do, because investing in property is seen as being relatively risk-free. And some friends of ours who had already been there to have a look recommended that we also check it out .So we thought, why not!

  Anyway, with regard to what the flat looked like, well basically, it was really nicely decorated, as you can probably imagine, what with it being a show home and all. For example, the floor was mostly marble, and there was a huge chandelier hanging above the dining table. So yeah, it all looked pretty impressive. I mean, even the wallpaper was nice, you know, it was, um… I'm not quite sure how to best describe it, but you could just tell it was really good quality from the feel and texture of it.

  The only downside was the price, because I think it was something like twenty five thousand rmb a square metre, so the whole flat came to about four million, or somewhere thereabouts, which was a bit above our budget unfortunately!


  show home = 样板房

  apartment complex = 小区

  So we thought, why not! = 所以我们想,不妨去看看呗!

  it was really nicely decorated = 装饰地很漂亮

  as you can probably imagine = 正如你可能想像到的

  what with it being a show home and all = 毕竟是个样板房

  marble = 大理石

  chandelier = 枝形吊灯

  So yeah, it all looked pretty impressive. = 所以嗯,都看上去很不错!

  I’m not quite sure how to best describe it = 我不太清楚怎样描述得最好

  you could (just) tell it was really good quality from the feel and texture of it. = 从质感能看得出质量很好

  downside = 负面

  or somewhere thereabouts = 上下的样子

  which was a bit above our budget = 稍微超出了我们的预算

  Other useful phrases:

  It was on the tenth floor = 在十楼

  Floor-to-ceiling windows = 落地窗

  Very spacious = 很宽敞

  Very cozy = 很温馨

  It was open-plan = 开敞式的

  Flat-screen TV = 液晶电视

  It overlooked the city centre = 俯视着市中心

  It had a great view of the city centre



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