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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:省钱买的东西

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:省钱买的东西

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe something special that you saved money to buy

  You should say

  What it was

  How long it took you to save the money

  Why you wanted to buy it

  And explain how you felt after you bought it


  Ok then, well firstly I'd just like to mention that I'm quite lucky in the fact that I haven't really had to save up for much in my life, simply because my parents have always bought stuff for me. But one occasion that I did save up to buy something myself was when I got my iPad, so that's what I'd like to talk about.

  And um, as for how long it took me to save up for it, well if I remember correctly, I think it took about four or five months, and I basically did it by cutting back on other things, you know, like eating out and buying clothes. Cos I mean, I don't have a job, unfortunately, so the only money I receive is my living allowancewhich my parents give me every month, and that's what I had to use to pay for it.

  Anyway, regarding why I wanted an iPad, well I suppose the main reason was that I'm a big Apple fan. You know, I already had an iPhone and laptop, so the only thing I was missing was an iPad. I also watched Steve Jobs' presentation of the iPad when it was launched, and it looked pretty cool. So I just thought it would be great to have one!

  And as for how I felt after buying it, well first of all, I was really excited, you know, because I couldn't wait to start using it. And it also felt great because I'd saved up for it myself instead of simply asking my parents to buy it for me. So for that reason, it just felt a bit more special to me, if you know what I mean!


  Save up for …… - 为…而储蓄

  Cut back on…… - spend less money on

  Living allowance - 生活津贴 (the money our parents give us to live on when we're students. "pocket money" usually only refers to the money parents give us when we're children)

  (In spoken English, we often say "get" instead of "buy")

  Other useful phrases:

  I'd say it was definitely worth the money

  I was really glad I went to the effort of saving up for it



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