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雅思口语P2范文:an activity you do to keep fit

雅思口语P2范文:an activity you do to keep fit

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  You should say:

  what it is

  when you started it

  whether you enjoy it

  and explain why you think it can help you to keep fit


  According to what I've heard from my fitness instructor, by far the best way to exercise in order to be in good health and keep fit is to alternate strength training with aerobic exercises, every other day. And this is the pattern I try to stick to. For instance, depending on how busy I am, I have strenghth training workouts 2 or 3 times a week in the gym, mainly in the mornings before work. When I don't work out in the gym, I go jogging in the park or swim in the pool, which is aerobic trainning.

  To make the most of each workout session, I start it with a warm-up. This is usually a combination of some light cardiovascular exercises and stretches that help me to prevent the injury and prepare my body for more vigorous exercises, increasing circulation, body temperature and bringing the heart rate up. Then depending on a type of training, I perform different exercises with free weights, elasticised bands or specialised machines or I do everyone's all time favourites such as situps, squats and pullups. I do lunges which I really hate. My coach si a monster who makes me do several 25-rep sets of each exercise. At the end of a workout I do some stretching exercises which help me keep a heart rate and blood pressure from dropping rapidly and boost flexibility.

  When done regularly, these exercises help me lose weight, burn calories, strengthen my muscles and cardiovascular system. Of course, I go to the gym to be fit and healthy, but I hope that apart from that, one day all my effort will give me six pack abs, which I've been dreaming about for years now.



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