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  Recently, art is a very popular and hot topic in IELTS Oral English. And most of the students are having a hard time to answer questions related to it because most of them do not have any knowledge or idea about it. Actually, art is a creative way of expressing oneself and it is also the highest expression of every culture. There are many kinds of arts such as literature, visual arts, music, dance, and drama.

  All of these kinds had become part of the IELTS Oral English questions today.

  For example:

  1 Is beautiful handwriting important nowadays?

  2 What kind of music do you like?

  3 Should children learn to draw or paint?

  To be able to deal with these topics and questions, students should know variety of information about art such as:

  Art helps people to understand and empathize with the living conditions people have endured at various times and places

  Art provides an opportunity to create and do, which can be a refreshing break from studying or working.

  Art teaches how to interpret different forms of communication. It teaches how to understand figurative things and the meanings of color.

  Art provide opportunities for self-expression

  Art can improve academic achievement -- enhancing test scores, attitudes, social skills, critical and creative thinking.

  After knowing different meanings and knowledge about art, students now have adequate information to use in answering the question in IELTS Oral test. Below are the examples of question and answer of the test with the topic of ART.

  Part I

  1 Do you like arts? Why?

  Absolutely, this is because art is a link to the past. It provides an enjoyable perspective from which people can examine the history. And also, art encourages imagination. It shows people how they might express their own feelings and experiences through different kinds of arts such as painting and drawing.


  2 What kind of art do you like?

  I don't have any particular favorite when it comes to art because I am appreciative of each work of art that I see. I like looking at abstract and colorful paintings as much as I like looking at portrait paintings. I also enjoy looking at clay sculptures the same way that I enjoy looking at ice sculptures. Each work of art has its own reason, background and history.




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