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  Do you like going boating?

  For sure I like it. as it is a beautiful and enjoyable way to see some city or area or just enjoy the scenery that passes by.

  Have you ever travelled by boat?

  Oh, dozen times, I guess. Boating is perfect way for me to unwind and reconnect in the natural environment. So, yeah, I always try to go on a boat trip while traveling near the water.

  Would you like to have your own boat?

  Oh yeah, I would do it with pleasure. I think it is an excellent investment and also a great fun and one of the best way to draw a family together.

  Is boat trip popular in your country?

  No, not really, because China's railway system is so advanced that most people under most circumstances will chose it over boat travel. but the sightseeing by boat on Changjiang river is a fun journey for many.



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