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雅思口语P2范文:an interesting place that not many know

雅思口语P2范文:an interesting place that not many know

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  You should say:

  Where it is located

  Why it is interesting

  What you can do there

  Why do few people go there


  Guizhou is one of China's best kept secrets - a hidden gem. Itis a province located in southwestern China,bordering on Yunnan province.

  With an abundance of natural beauty, historical sites, diverse, friendly people and its own unique cuisine, it's a great place to visit if you enjoy getting off the beaten track.There is the well preserved Ming and Qing Dynasty city of Qingyan, about an hour's drive from Guiyang and there is a 2300 year old water town called zhenyuan on the Wuyang River.And there is Malinghe River Canyon that just looks like something out of lord of the Rings.

  Guizhou is also known for its different minority populations. The biggest minority is the Miao, at 12 percent of the population. Others include the Buyei, Dong, Tujia, Yi, Gelao, and Sui. Each have their own distinct language or dialect, traditional form of dress, and cuisine. For me, one of the highlights of traveling to Guizhou was being introduced to the different minority cultures there. you eat their unique food, talk to them like friends and see them dance and hear them sing.

  Why few people go there? because it is a kingdom of moutains and hard for people to get there. The basic infrastructure for local people is not well developed yet, not to mention that for tourists. I read a piece of news around one year ago that the last remote village in Gui zhou that had no power finally got it because great efforts,even sacrifice of many electrical workers. And there are still little pupils walking four hours for school ever day and ones climbing a sky ladder to a moutain school. If you see those images, you will find them heartbreaking and totally unbelievable.So, for many places that people would call them inhospitable,the local people just live there generations after generations, with their perseverance and wisdom.


  ? Why people like visiting famous tourism attractions?

  ? Should tourist attractions be free?

  ? Should people visit places of interest that is going to die out?

  ? Should the government ban people from vising places of interest?

  ? What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?

  ? What can governments do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?

  ? What are the advantages of visiting less known places?

  ? What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?



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