The related questions about jewelry
What kind of jewelry do you like to buy?
What do you know about jewelry?
What's your attitude toward jewelry?
How often do you wear jewelry?
Why do people like to wear jewelry?
Why do many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?
Jewelry is no longer exclusively beloved by ladies. The males' life style and taste could also be reflected through the ornaments they wear. This is one of the unique demonstrations of their life style and quality they are pursuing.
In ancient China, it used to be the symbol of social status and power when the men wore the gem. But in contemporary world, no matter for males or females, wearing jewelry is no longer for the purpose of demonstrating the power and social status, it is more functionally as the decoration for the individual to show his or her unique taste and style. Sometimes, jewelry also has practical function, for example, jade has been claimed to be good for the health.
1. Jewelry is the non-renewable recourse that is the precious wealth left to mankind by the nature.
2. Natural gemstone is the emblem of wealth and status,which has the predictable or ever-increasing value. The royal families and the aristocratare proud of the rare jewels they own all over the world. The "family heirloom" is the important part of family wealth. This is just due to the rarity of some natural gemstone.
3. Historically, Jewelry has beenendued by mankind with some unique symbols and features, which has lured people to pursue them. For instance, diamond represents perseverance and long-lasting, which has been symbolized for the perpetual love. While jade has been articulated to be able to function for health care.
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