The English lesson that left me a deep impression( 让我印象深刻)was taught by my junior high-school teacher, Miss Wang. One day she came into the class with a bag of things in her hand. I was curious about what they were and Miss wang said "it's a surprise!" That really made me more interested. Later she told the class that we were going to learn how to order meals in English. First she showed pictures of tasty food and played a video of a person ordering steak. From the video, I learned lots of natural expressions (自然的表达), and even better, I got to know some western table manners, like you have to put your napkin on your lap before you eat the steak, and place fork in your left hand and hold the knife in your right hand. The best part was that we had a role-playing game. My teacher Miss wang first divided the class into pairs, gave us some food as realia (课堂教具), and provided some sentences and dialogues for us to practice. Everything went on smoothly and effectively. It was definitely one of the best English lessons I've ever had
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