问题: What features(特点)do you think a successful shopping center must acquire?
答案: In my opinion, a successful shopping center must, in the first place, be clear about what sort of customers they need to attract------does it focus on customers of a certain category(种类), for example, sports lovers or old people? Or does it want to attract the general public? With this in mind, a shopping center can then import the correct goods to sell.
Also, the shopping place needs to be well furnished, equipped with adequate(足够的) facilities(设备), such as comfortable air-conditioning and spacious(宽敞的), easily accessible(接近) lifts. I don't think anybody would like to shop at a construction(建筑物) site!
Then, the commodities(商品) the shopping center sells should be both modest in price and high in quality. Everybody likes things that are nice and cheap.
Last but not least, the service in a shopping center should be enhanced in order to attract more customers. Shop-assistants must be friendly to customers and willing to serve them well. There are picky shoppers who find fault with everything and can't make up their minds. A shop-assistant then, must be patient with them
instead of being annoyed, and should try his best to satisfy the customers' needs and help them choose what fits them best.
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