Are you good at organizing time?
Do you think planning is important for time management?
Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?
Do old people and young people manage time in a similar way?
Q1: Are you good at organizing time?
A1: Not really. I live a quite casual and laidback life. (细节) I mean, I like to follow my heart. For example, when I decide to watch a movie, I would do that immediately. Or even when I want to go traveling, I just do that without a detailed plan and I just set off in a week.
A2: I am good at organizing time and I consider it as a very important part in life. (why) I think our time is so limited and I've got loads of things to do always. I don't want my life to be in a mess. (how) I like to have a to-do list and arrange my schedule. Then I do everything more efficiently.
也可以先说我不太擅长,因为… 但我希望提高,因为… ,两面都提到。
1)重点链接语句:I mean, by that I mean…我们的内容总是需要解释,一定要说得细节一些。
2)live a casual and laidback life 过着随性而放松的生活。 过着什么样的生活叫做 live a … life
3)follow my heart 俗称跟着感觉走
4)immediately 立即
5)detailed 详细的
6)time is limited 时间有限
7)“有”最地道的说法是 I've got
8)loads of 大量的 (有负担的含义)
9)in a mess 混乱
10)arrange my schedule 安排我的日程
11)efficient 高效的
Q2: Do you think planning is important for time management?
A1: Yes, actually I think planning is the most important part of time management.(why) Time management means that you allocate the time to different things, especially the important things or the tough things. So it is just what we do in planning! For example, if I have a really difficult and big task to do and it requires a lot of time and energy, I would think about when to do that and set deadlines.
1)allocate … to… 分配…给… allocate a lot of money to my clothes, allocate enough time to my homework
2)tough 棘手的
3)require 需要…
4)set deadline 设置截止日期
1)…means that… 宾语从句,后面是句子,语法点虽小但也在口语中常用,比如 I believe that…
2)It is just what we do in … 那正是我们在做…的时候做的事情。
...is just what I care about. … 正是我在乎的。
名词性从句,即 what I care about 整个为名词成分,翻译为我在乎的东西。
Q3: Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?
A1: Well, I guess it's just because time management is really essential for some people who work under huge pressure. (why) They generally have very tight schedule and they also need to look after the family. The courses may give them very professional training and help them manage everything better.
大家被问到这种会有点懵,所以记得不要机械记忆,一定要会聊天。你的第一反应可能是,well, really? well, I guess … 那么理由自然是The paid courses can really benefit them. 你需要去讲这样的课程的好处,或者time management多么重要。
1) essential: 非常重要的,类似替换important 的词汇还有 crucial, significant
2) tight schedule: 形容每天很满的地道说法
3) professional training:专业的培训
some people who… who引导的定语从句在口语中也常常出现;定语从句在口语中一定要熟练。培养先说这个名词再对它进行修饰的思维习惯。前期觉得说不顺可以写一写,多读几遍再说。稍加练习就会熟练,需要耐心。
Q4: Do old people and young people manage time in a similar way?
A1: They manage time in really different ways. For the old people, generally they've got plenty oftime for everything. I mean, they needn't be in a rush. So they just roughly set a plan. And the slow pace of life is more beneficial to their health. However, young people normally are tied up with the work. They have to do everything quickly. I think they are always dealing with deadlines and they need to be very serious when managing time.
老年人几乎不用时间管理,或者只是大致计划一下(make a general plan, or rough plan)而年轻人那么忙,压力那么大,自然不同啦。
1) they've got , 表达“有”的最地道的说法
2) plenty of: 很多
3) in a rush: 匆忙中 rush to do 匆忙做…
4) rough: 粗糙的 roughly 粗略地做某事
5) slow pace of life: 缓慢的生活节奏,当然快节奏就是 fast pace of life
6) be beneficial to: 有益于
7) be tied up with… 被… 捆绑,是表达被… 弄得极其繁忙的地道说法
8) deal with 处理…
… when doing sth. when 时间状语从句中,主语一致时,省略主语和be动词。
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