To talk about an artwork, I couldn't help thinking a handicraft, which was made by myself. Haha. Can I call it an artwork?
It is a scarf I made for my boyfriend.
When I was in university, my classmates were crazy about knitting things. They bought a lot of books and materials for knitting, and everyday after class, they would stay in the dormitory and knit happily. At very beginning, I was not keen to it, and thought it was boring and troublesome. But when I saw their works, I felt jealous and began to join their team.
The scarf I made was white, simple and a little bit ugly, but really useful. My boyfriend appreciated me very much.
Knitting is a kind of folk artwork in china, which is popular by women in southern china. In the past, like 20 years ago, almost every woman knows how to knit and they will do it in their spare time. A lot of daily things, such as gloves, scarves, and sweaters, even socks were made by women. People didn't used to buy them at all.
However, it is getting less and less popular, because of the fast development of machines and the greater pressure on the shoulders of women. Nowadays, only a few women especially the elder ones will do it in their spare time, which is really pitiful.
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