Milly gave me some advice about health care.
She said that a person who wanted to be healthy must do 3 things.
The first is sleeping well. Sleeping is the most important factor of health. A person needs to sleep at least 8 hrs every day, and the best time for sleeping is between 10 pm and 7 am. staying up is the killer of fitness, while in the past, I liked to play computer games very much, sometimes I stayed up overnight and slept for 24 hrs the second day, which was a really bad habit.
Milly also suggested me to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially the fresh ones. But for me, I thought, vegetables were grasses, which was used to feed animals. Instead I only ate red meats,like pork, beef and mutton, now I am trying to change the habit and I am getting used to vegetables and fruits.
The last, she suggested me is doing exercises. At that time she was doing yoga, which she thought was an excellent exercise for ladies. I haven't joined her so far, though I tried many times, but I will make up my mind to do it.
That is the suggestion from milly, who helped me a lot. I do appreciate it very much.
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