131. Could you tell me something about the customs in China?
( 5 - 8 )
That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself by mentioning the following about some customs before a wedding. Firstly, it is considered very bad luck if the bride and the groom see each other directly before the wedding.
132. How do Chinese people usually celebrate birthdays? ( 5 - 8 )
We celebrate it by normally having a dinner party. The child receives gifts from his/her parents, family, and friends. When a child is one hundred days old, it marks a special occasion in his/her life. The mother will place a selection of objects on a table before him/her. S/he will be asked to pick one. The choice that the child makes will be an indication of what the child will become one day.
133. Are there any special customs about weddings in your region? ( 5 - 8 )
133. Describe a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony. ( 5 - 8 )
Before the wedding day, the families would go to the place where the newlyweds will live, and fit curtains, and place a clock in the house. They would put coins and peanuts in the wedding bed. The coins are symbolic of a prosperous life together, and the nuts to ensure a mixture of boys and girls as children. On the day of the wedding, the groom and his best men will go to the house of the bride. They will ask permission from the bridesmaids to enter, who will insist on many answers and money. They will eat eggs and noodles and drink sweet rice water together. The party will then begin, and the presenter will declare them man and wife.
134. How have wedding ceremonies changed in recent years? ( 5 - 8 )
There have been some changes. For example, in the past the bride's mother-in-law would give the bride a basin and a ring. These days' flowers replace it, which the bride will wear in her hair on the wedding day. Secondly the gifts have become more expensive. For example, the bride's family would give appliances like a TV or washing machine to the couple. Another example would be that in the past, peanuts were placed in the wedding bed to ensure a mixture of boys and girls as children. With the one-child policy in force, this tradition will probably disappear. In addition, the ceremonies have become much more informal. For example, the wedding party would be held at a restaurant as opposed to a house.
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