Describe an interesting speech or lecture you have heard
The best speech I've ever heard was back in my highschool days. It must have been 2 years already, but I swear I remember everymoment of it… even till now. I liked the speech not so much for its content,but more for the way the speaker delivered his speech.
This particular speech took place in the school's lecturehall and it was packed with students and teachers. Luckily for me, I got inearly and sat right in the front – 5 meters from the stage. The speech was tobe about "Healthy Living"…not exactly very interesting I thought.
But when the speech started, it brought the housedown. The speaker entered the hall wearing a huge hamburger suit holding a hugeplate of McDonald burgers and fries! And he shouted "I'm lovin' it …..And.... I'mdying from it!" Everyone was on thefloor. What an awesome way to kick off!
The whole point of the speech, as you might haveguessed, was about the harm of fast food. That part in itself wasn't thatinteresting because he was throwing all kinds of numbers about calories, bodyfat, at us. I guessed no one really paid attention to that. But the impact hadalready been made. Fast food equals a fast death. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bithere.
But the speech was truly effective in that I had stayed off fast foodsince then. Anyway, the speech then ended with a standing ovation.
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