People tend to rebel against laws and regulations,because we want to have more freedom.However, we cannot deny the necessity of rules.Without laws, there will be no order in society.And I'm not an expert on laws since I'm not a law student.But I found "the prohibition of smoking in public places" an incredibly good law.
I don't know exactly when it was put into practice,but I guess France is the first country in the whole wide world to make such a legislation that smoking is banned in all public places all over the country.This is a great law for the individual and for the state.
I mean, come on, think about it.Smoking is harmful in so many ways.It causes lung cancer to millions of people every year,and it's totally uncivilized to smoke in public because other people will be affected by your smoking since your second-hand smoke is everywhere.After smoking, your clothes stink of cigarettes.And it's not polite and professional if you go to work covered in the smell of smoke.And smoking is the reason for many fire accidents and disasters every year.(这一段也可以直接用作 "不良习惯话题")Therefore, such is a good law.
I don't know when such a law will be made in China.But once it is enforced, my country will be a much cleaner place.I know it's natural for people to hate any new law since the law brings to people limitation, confinement and restraints.Yet, hey, someone once said, "You can only truly enjoy freedom after you have experienced discipline. "只有受过纪律约束的人才知道自由的真正乐趣. (283 words)
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