Do you like music?
Definitely, music is my cup of tea. You know, I'm always busy in studying, so I need to do something to relax, music is the best way I think. I believe music is a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we often go to a Café or a concert to listen to music together. How happy and comfortableit is!
Do you think music is important?
Absolutely yes, I think so. Different kinds of music have different impacts on people. Light music can make people relax and comfortable; country music purifies people's soul; rock & roll inspirits people, pop music is a good choice in karaoke or in a party and so on so forth. I believe the life without music will be dark and monotonous.
What music do you like? Why?
Not like many young people, I like listening and singing classical music, because the melody is so elegantand the lyric is always romantic. I'll be really relax and comfortable when I listen to classical music. My favorite song is
What music do Chinese people like?
Well, it's hard to say. Different people will have different tastes. I guess young people will prefer pop music and hip-hop while old people like classical music and light music. Also there are some people enjoy listening to tradition operas like Beijing operas.
How long do you listen to music every day?
Well, it's hard to say. Every time when I feel tired or annoyed, I will stop to listen to music for a while, until I can concentrate on my studies again. Also, I will listen to my MP3 when I'm walking, sitting on a bus or in subway, trying to get asleep and so on. So I guess the total hours for each day may be three or four.
From when on do schools begin to have music lessons?
I remember we had music lesssons from grade one in elementary school, yes it's quite early but reasonable. As I just said, music can purify people's soul. I believe childhood is the most important period to shape one's character, so teachers use music as a tool to better educate students and make them grow up to the right direction.
Should there be music lessons at school?
Definitely yes, I think so. As I just said, music can purifypeople's soul. I believe the age of adolescents is the most important period to shape one's character, so teachers use music as a tool to better educate students and make them grow up to the right direction.
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