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  Qualities of Friends:

  Q: What do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have?


  信任 trust

  真诚 sincerity loyalty

  帮助, 原谅 helpful forgiving

  尊重彼此隐私: respect privacy

  一直坚守在朋友左右: available, be there


  I think a good friend is always someone who trusts you and can be trusted.

  And this person should show sincerity in this friendship and be always loyal to you.

  Life is full of ups and downs, and when you're down,

  he's always there to give you a hand.

  Sometimes we get emotional and unreasonable under pressure, and to be a good friend, we need to learn to understand this and forgive the other person is he or she yells at you or takes out the aggressive feeling on you.拿你撒气

  But most importantly, good friends always respect the privacy of each other.

  It's true that you're closer to me than others. But still, you're you, I'm me.

  There's a famous Chinese saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” 熟来生厌

  So keeping a reasonable distance is imperative to a healthy friendship. (144 words)

  Q: Which are more important to people, their family or their friends? Why?



  这就想问 空气和水哪个重要一样

  家人: unconditional support security

  朋友: help, common experience in growing up, 放松, 不会唠叨你


  I think to a large degree, they are equally important to me.

  It's like asking me which one is more important between water and air.

  Family is important to a person because when the world ends,

  your family is still behind you.

  Family members provide you unconditional love and support.

  On the other hand, friends can offer you different kind of help. Because you grow up together, so you have a feeling they really get you.

  And friends never nag at you. So when you're with your friends, you're more relaxed.

  (90 words)

  Q: What do you think causes friendships to break up?



  trust crisis

  outgrow your friends

  loss of common language


  I guess the reason why most friendships break up is because people lose trust in each other. Maybe there's a case of dishonesty where one person lies to another. And then they feel it's no longer working out anymore.

  Another reason is that maybe one of the two friends grow too fast and develop too rapidly so he feels that he has outgrow his friend in many ways and he doesn't know how to be with him anymore. The loss of common language also causes a friendship to break up. (90 words)



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