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  雅思口语考试中关于成功Success题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。

  A Success You Would Like to Achieve

  Describe something that you would like to succeed in doing.

  You should say:

  - what it is

  - how difficult you think it would be

  - what you should do to prepare for this

  and explain why you want to succeed in doing this.

  Part 3

  What's your understanding of the word, "success"?

  Do you think having lots of money equals success?

  At what age do you think people are most eager to be successful? (Why?)

  Who do you think works harder (at trying to be successful), old people or young people?

  Do you think it's important for everyone to feel that they have had some successes in life?

  Do you think it's a good idea to reward children after they achieve a significant success (such as high grades in a test)?

  What do Chinese parents mean when they say their son or daughter is "successful"?

  What are the benefits of success?

  Are there any negative results of success? (Hint: The envy of others.)

  Has the great financial success of some famous people ever made you feel envious? (Who? Why?)

  How should parents reward their children for success, for example, for doing very well in exams at school?

  Do you think this kind of reward is very effective?

  Do you think rewards such as that are important (= necessary)?

  How do teachers in China reward students for doing well? (What do you think is the best way for teachers to reward students?)

  Do you think teachers should praise children when the children do well in school?

  How would you (= how do you) define a successful teacher?

  Who has the greater influence on children, teachers or parents?

  How do bosses in China reward employees for a job well done?

  Do you think financial rewards at work are the only or the best way for companies to reward employees?


  I want to learn how to drive recently. I bet it would be a hard time of learning how to drive since you have to prepare a bunch of things. First, you have to remember all the traffic rules and take a test before you touch the car. And then, taking driving lessons in a driving training school is a must. Only in this way can you take a final test and get a driving license. But the hardest part is when you drive in daily life because it is hard to get used to the real situation compared with practicing in the driving school.

  People always equate driving with freedom and opportunities, and I agree. Knowing how to drive can bring people a lot of convince. For example, without a car you can't take a job that is not on a bus line. Without a car, you can't hang out with friends late at night, since there is no bus after 10:30 in Beijing. But when I succeed in driving I can ignore those issues.



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