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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  A Type of Book You Like to Read

  Describe a type of book you like to read.

  You should say:

  - what's the name of the book

  - what type of book it is

  - what content it has

  and explain why you like to read this type of book.

  Part 3

  Books and other Media

  Besides textbooks, what other materials (or teaching media) are used in schools in China?

  Do you think textbooks will be replaced in future by other teaching media such as small notebook computers?


  Is education important? (Why?)

  How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession?

  Who should decide what is taught in schools & universities - the students, the teachers or the government?

  The Importance of Reading

  Why do children like adults reading stories to them?

  What are some of the main differences between books and films?.

  What can a person learn from reading books from overseas?

  Do you think it's a good idea to learn a foreign language by reading materials such as novels in that language?


  I am reading How to win friends and influence people recently and I love that. It is one of the first best-selling self-help books ever published, written by Dale Carnegie.

  How to win friends and influence people firsttells us that 15 percent of one's success is due to technical knowledge. However, 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering -- personality and the ability to lead people. And then the book is like a practical methodology introduces the ways of how to handle people and interact with each other.

  I like to read those self-help books because they encourage me a lot and remind me of mistakes I have made in daily life and help me works effectively on human relations. Moreover, those books are not based on dry theory, but on the experiences of the writer and short stories of famous people from different area who are politicians, writers and leaders in companies. Their stories make the book more fun and persuasive.



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