Describe an interesting person from another country.
You should say:
1. Who is this person
2. How do you know him/her
3. What do you find he/she interesting
4. Why do you think he/she knows a lot
When I think of a person from another country, I think of my best friend Jeremy. Jeremy is Spanish and he was born in Spain. But Jeremy has travelled a lot throughout his life, and due to his father's job he has lived in so many different countries throughout the world and I think that this has given him such a wide perspective of life and the world we live in.
We met when we were in high school, he was only at my school for a year, but during that year we were always together and always up to mischief. I believe that Jeremy is the interesting person he is today because of his adventurous lifestyle as a child. He works as a wildlife photographer, so he is still travelling for many months of the year. He is becoming quite well known for his work these days and has even had some of his photographs featured in the magazine National Geographic.
I think that Jeremy hit the nail on the head when he said "you only live once, so live the life you want to live". He inspires me to travel and see more of the world for myself too. This is why I applied to study abroad in Switzerland next October, I figured I could kill two birds with one stone by travelling and studying at the same time!
When I think of Jeremy I think of someone who has experienced a lot for someone of such a young age. He was wisdom beyond his years and he is such an interesting person!
地道用词:a wide perspective of life 宽广的视野
mischief 搞恶作剧
hit the nail on the head 击中要害
beyond his years 超越年龄
高分句型:We met when we were in high school, he was only at my school for a year, but during that year we were always together and always up to mischief.
I think that Jeremy hit the nail on the head when he said "you only live once, so live the life you want to live".
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