Describe a piece of artwork or handicraft you made at school.
You should say:
when you made it
what it is like
how you made it
and explain why you made it.
We didn't do a lot of arts and crafts when I was at school, so when we did it was a big deal. When you're a kid, glue and paint ismuch more interesting than numbers and books, so it really sticks in your mind.
I remember one year, I was in primary school, so I must have been six or seven years old. It was Mother's Day and my teacher told us we would make a greeting card for our mum to say thank you to her for raising us and to show that we loved her.
My memory is a little hazy, but I can still recall using the special scissors that you have in school, the ones that are extra safe so that children do not hurt themselves when they try to cut something. We also had the sticks of glue that you have to twist the bottom to get the sticky part. I cut a big heart out of some red paper and stuck it on to a yellow piece of card, then I covered it in glue and poured sparkly stuff all over it.Looking back it seems a bit over the top, but when you're a child the more the better! Inside I wrote, "I love you, mummy" and drew a very bad picture of me.
Like I said, when you're a kid you are always excited to make things and get messy with paint and glue. But because it was for my mum I was extra pumped up and wanted to make her the most beautiful card ever! She still has it today, along with a lot of other embarrassing artwork and photos from my childhood.
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