Describe a success in your life.
You should say:
when it was
what it was
why you chose it
how you achieved.
I guess success can vary depending on your viewpoint. Some people judge success by how much money they have, the clothes they wear or the car they drive. In that respect I maybe haven’t had a lot of success so far in my life, but I have still achieved things that I am proud of.
One such thing I can remember happened when I was an undergraduate at university, I think during my second year. We were encouraged to get involved in after-school activities and events, so I volunteered to help organise a dubbing contest that was taking place. You have probably come across dubbing if you’ve watched a foreign film and the native language has been replaced with another one over the top. The students that took part had divided themselves into groups of three or four people. They would take it in turns to go up on stage and play an English movie without the sound turned on, while they spoke the words over the top of the video.
I mainly chose to volunteer so that I could earn extra credits, or points, to go towards my degree. But it was also a good opportunity to meet some new people and it gave me something to do in my spare time.
In the end everything went off without a hitch and the night was a big success. We had rehearsed everything again and again and all the hard work paid off. I think the key to the success was everyone’s effort and teamwork, it wasn’t just a personal success, but one that I shared with a whole group of people.
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