Describe something interesting you learnt from the Internet.
You should say:
what you learnt
which website you learnt it from
how you learnt it
and explain why you think what you learnt was interesting.
My friend Amy is a travel-holic and is constantly on the road. When I told her my trip plan to Indonesia, she introduced me this travel website called Couch surfing. Technically, it doesn't tell you anything about your destinations. But what it does is it lists the names and profiles of people who are happy to show you around their city and provide local perspectives.
How it works is simple. You just send a request to potential hosts and if it is accepted, then you can get to sleep on their couch, or sometimes in their bed. What's more attractive is they are all for free. The aim of the website wasn't to make money but to provide a platform for people who are interested in exchanging their languages, cultures, and making new friends from different backgrounds.
The most valuable lesson I learnt from the site is to share. After staying for two days at my Indonesian host's place, I was so impressed by the family's hospitality. Even though they didn't have much, they offered me all they had. My stay with them completely changed the way I treat strangers and my view toward sharing.
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