Describe an environment law.
You should say:
what it is
how you first learned about it
who benefits from it
and explain how you feel about this law.
These days the environment really is a hot topic, especially in China. Big cities, such as Beijing, are notorious for having a lot of pollution. Sometimes, in winter, the smog is so bad that you can't see the end of the street!
Because of this, the government has been trying to reduce the levels of pollution with certain environmental policies and laws. They have said they are declaring war on pollution, by putting bosses in jail if their companies do not reduce harmful emis-sions and removing a limit on the amount of money companies can be fined for causing too much pollution.
I'm not that familiar with the topic, but I remember first reading about the new laws in the newspaper and on the internet. As I said, the environment is a big deal nowa-days, so this sort of thing is front page news.
In the long run, everybody benefits from this kind of law. On the one hand, compa-nies may lose money by closing their factories or reducing production, but on the other hand they are helping to make the world a cleaner and healthier place to live. Not only ourselves, but also future generations will benefit from having less pollution.
I don't think anyone could argue against these laws. Some people may think that they do not go far enough or that they will not be enforced, but I feel they are better than nothing. Everyone should do their bit to reduce emissions and keep our skies blue.
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