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  What role do you think music plays in our life?

  Just as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human culture. It brings us with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life .In addition, music can do good to us very much. It can elicit the imagination of us. And, it teaches us how to distinguish beauty from nature. Listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.

  1) Can you tell me the western music's impact on the world music?

  Oh, it is a difficult question, the western music is definitely great, and it plays an important role on the world music. Many musical talents and eminent musicians have been trained in western country, such as Beethoven, Mozart and so on.

  2) Do you think it's necessary to open a music course in high school?

  Yes, of course. There is usually 1 or 2 hours each week used for teaching music. I think there should be more, such as at least 3 or more.

  3) What effects will take place u think to let children (students) study an instrument?

  Music can do good to children (students) very much. It can elicit the imagination of children (students). Also, it teaches them how to distinguish beauty from nature.

  4) It's often more easy for children to learn music than adults. Can you tell me why?

  Oh, that's because it's important to have soft fingers and palm to learn a music mechanism, such as guitar. Children have more flexible fingers and they are more likely to find the correct feeling.

  5) Do u like music or not? Why?

  I like music. I like singing, especially in front of many people. I often sing for my friends. When they praise me, I feel happy. Also, listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.

  6) Describe the music you like most and tell me why?

  I like classic music. It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasant melody. Listening to the music; I can soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.

  7) What are the differences in music between China and western countries?

  Oh, it is a big question; in general, the symphony of western countries is long while most of Chinese music is small piece.



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