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  Make new friends, but keep the old;

  Those are silver, these are gold.

  New-made friendships, like new wine,

  Age will mellow and refine.

  Friendships that have stood the test -

  Time and change - are surely best;

  Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,

  Friendship never knows decay.

  For 'mid old friends, tried and true,

  Once more we our youth renew.

  But old friends, alas! may die,

  New friends must their place supply.

  Cherish friendship in your breast -

  New is good, but old is best;

  Make new friends, but keep the old;

  Those are silver, these are gold.

  This friendship poem was written by Joseph Parry, (1841-1903). His words in this inspirational poem regarding friendships still hold true today. Throughout our life we are constantly meeting new people. Some remain acquaintances, some become friends. But, with our old friends we sometimes lose touch with them, due to a move, change of job, marriage, children, the list goes on and on.

  Mr. Parry's point on silver and gold as they refer to friendships are well written. Our old friends are like gold. And our new friends are silver. We must remember to treat our old friends like gold.



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