9. What are some important festivals in your country?''
Beyond the national festivals mentioned onwards many local festivals take place throughout the year around the country. There are also scores of regional festivals, often jointly celebrated by collections of villages. Many ethnic groups also celebrate festivals.
Tet - Vietnamese and Chinese New Year- With a history that dates back thousands of years, the Tet festival was originally a celebration held by Vietnamese farmers to thank the gods for the arrival of spring, sometime between late January or early February. Although officially a three-day affair, festivities may continue for a week or more with every effort made to indulge in eating, drinking, and enjoyable social activities. It is also a time for family reunions, and for paying respect to ancestors and the elders. Gifts of food are made to friends, neighbors and relatives in the days before Tet.
Mid-Autumn or Children's Moon Festival (Tet-Trung-Thu)
- The essence of Tet-Trung-Thu - celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month - is to promote education, culture, music, sports, arts and crafts, and poetry.
- Beginning at noon and ending at midnight, the festival includes:
- folklore displays.
- Children's games.
- Lantern processions.
- Dragon Dances.
- Multicultural performances.
- Delicacies include moon cakes, sticky rice, fruits and various sweets.
10. Describe a Vietnamese traditional festival:
Vietnam has many traditional and religious holidays but none can be compared to New Year festival, Tet Nguyen-Dan or, in short, Tet.
- Where and when does it take place?
Tet starts on the first day of the first lunar month and is the first season of the new year (according to the lunar calendar).
Tet has become so familiar, so sacred to the Vietnamese that when Spring arrives, the Vietnamese, wherever they may be, are all thrilled and excited with the advent of Tet, and they feel an immense nostalgia, wishing to come back to their homeland for a family reunion and a taste of the particular flavours of the Vietnamese festivities.
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