section 1: CULTURE - CUSTOM
1. If I were to meet (an important older person) in your culture, how should I greet them to be polite and show respect?
- Firstly, take off your hat.
- Open a polite smile.
- Using polite greeting sentences to greet those people, for example the sentences equivalent to: "good morning, sir".
- However, you should study the way to use proper titles when addressing different subjects. This is not the same to English. For example, if that person is an old woman, you are supposed to greet her with: "Chao ba a!"; whereas a greeting sentence toward an old man is "Chao ong a!".
- It is desirable to call Vietnamese professional and government officials by their title, i.e., Mr. Assemblyman, Mr. Doctor, Mr. Lieutenant, etc.
- Instead of saying such formal greeting sentences. You can also expressing your respect toward those people by asking them some familiar questions, equivalent to " How are you?", "Have you had your dinner yet?", and so on.
- About the handshake etiquette, in Vietnam, the older would be the one who offer his/her hand first. So you'd better not offer to shake hand until that person shows that he/ she is going to do so.
Women, especially those in the countryside, still shy away from shaking hands, especially with men from their own country. It is best not to offer to shake hands with a woman unless she offers her hand first.
2. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.
That's about the custom of giving gifts.
If gifts are taken for the family, they should be items that they could not easily obtain themselves. To take something that they could buy easily would be a bad reflection on their economic means. They love anything oversea, and it does not have to be expensive. If you give the children things, each should have a separate gift. It is not polite to take a whole bag of candy and give it to them as a group.
Gifts for brides and grooms are usually given in pairs, including blankets. A single item indicates the marriage is not expected to last long. Two less expensive items are more desired than one nicer one.
3. Can you tell me something that foreigner should not do in Vietnam:
There are numerous taboos on all aspects of life in Vietnam. A few of them are as follows:
- Don't express lavish admiration for a new baby, because the devils might hear you and steal the child because of his desirability.
- Going dutch with a Vietnamese is not appreciated. If you run into someone at a restaurant and you join his table, let him pay the whole bill or pay it all yourself. The senior person usually pays.
- Hats are not usually worn inside churches, even Catholic ones.
4. When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details
- This is a difficult choice, and the decision is not always conscious. Many practical and social factors influence people.
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