本文整理了雅思口语备考资料:Topic list供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!
And here is the list of those textbooks I used for Ielts:
1. 101 hints
2. 202 useful exercises
3. Ielts Cambridge 1
4. Ielts Cambridge 2
5. Ielts Handbook
6. Ielts practice now
7. Ielts strategies for Studying
8. Ielts to success
9. Insight into Ielts
10. Listening skills ELTS skills series
11. Passport to Ielts
12. Practice tests for Ielts
13. Preparation and practice (Reading and Writing)
14. Preparation and Practice for Ielts (Listening and Speaking)
15. Prepare for Ielts
16. Toefl – Essay collection – Author: Barren. (recommended)
17. 556 essays - a collection of the new essays and writings for all purposes, topics and levels. By: fernando – Rajamanikam. (relevant for practising interview section).
18. Cuc – collection of handout from Ausaid students
19. BC – Documents in British Council (Cat Linh).
20. C. Duc – handout collected from Mrs. Duc's class.
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