本文整理了雅思口语范文:A Foreign Film供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!
Describe a foreign film that you recently enjoyed watching.
You should say:
- what film it was
- who the actors were
- what the film was about
and explain why you enjoyed this film.
Part 3
Film-watching Preferences in Your Country
What kinds of films are most popular in your country?
What kinds of films do young people (i.e., people aged 15 to 25) like to watch?
What kinds of films do children (i.e., people aged 4 to 12) like to watch?
What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?
Do you think films have much influence on young people?
What about children - what impact do films have on children?
Do you think films that show violence can affect children?
Do you think parents should supervise what films their children watch?
Do you ever learn anything from watching a film?
Do you think that you can learn about other (foreign) cultures from watching films?
In what ways can a country's culture be represented in a film?
To what extent do films influence a country's culture?
How could a film enrich (or, strengthen) a country's culture?
The Film Industry
In your opinion, what is a "good" film (and what is a "bad" film)?
In your opinion, what is a "successful" film?
Do you think it's necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of money in order to produce a successful (or, a good) film?
Do you think we will continue to have cinemas in the future?
In the future, do you think that cinemas will be replaced by DVD's (and/or films downloaded off the internet)?
What do you think would be the result if everyone watched films on DVD (instead of going to the cinema)?
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