I remember when I was in secondary school, we had a sewing class. Our teacher asked us to make a pillowcase. Because I had never made any sewing things before, I thought it would be extremely tough to me. However, after asking for some advice from my grandmother, and with her help, of course, the task turned out to be not as hard as I expected. Actually, it was just a piece of cake to me.
As we had to make a small size, I decided to make a sofa pillowcase, which was square-shaped. Then I went out to buy materials like cloth, zipper, clew, needle, scissors and some decorative items. After that, I cut the cloth into three pieces as I had to put zipper on and began to sew under my grandmother's instruction and finished it within 30 minutes. I made the case's rim, and decorated the case by embroidering flowers and leaves on it. As it was the very first time I did such things, I drew flowers and leaves on the pillowcase first, then embroidered based on them with basic skills.
I managed to make a beautiful pillowcase after 3 hours, with the help from my grandma. Taking a look at my achievements, I was so happy and proud of myself. My teacher was extremely pleased with the thing I made, too.
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