本文整理了雅思口语题目解析:Swimming / Sports供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!
1. Do you play any sports?
误区:很多考生在听到sports时会将答案变成各种运动类型的罗列,比如jogging, badminton, basketball. 所以将你的答案进行程度分类就是高分的第一步
解析:在提到各种运动类型时,我们可以将相关话题连接到自己平时喜欢在何时或者何地进行体育运动另外,说出你喜欢某一个特定的运动的原因也是非常重要的,比如I like jogging, because it's quite convenient to do so.
相关词汇:运动器材 sport equipment 锻炼 work out 俯卧撑 push-up 仰卧起坐 sit-up
范例:I have to say I am not an athletic person but I do like to run cos it does not need special outfit and equipment. What you need is just a pair of comfortable running shoes and a park or playground.
2. What kinds of sports do you like to learn in the future?
解析:首先,我们在听到in the future的时候,就应该就知道这题的考点在于将来时的使用,将来时的表达包括 would, could, be going to,这样的常用表达另外将喜欢的运动和实际相结合是一个非常简单有效的解决办法,将来想要达成什么样的目标,所以我想要学某一种体育运动,这样答案就会有效升华,而不是浮于表面的讨论自己“想学的运动”
高分词汇:求生技能 surviving skills 团队合作 teamwork
高分句型:和他人友好相处 get along well with others
范例:Well, I would like to learn how to swim in the future cos I think swimming is not only a sport but also a basic surviving skills. If I can swim, I can not only protect myself but also help others if someone accidentally falls into the water.
3. Where do Chinese like to go swimming?
解析:where类的问题我们非常简单的就是将地点进行分类,一般来说游泳的地方只有游泳池swimming pool和一些自然水域,比如:大海sea 湖泊lake,所以我们将不同的游泳地点进行对比就是对题目进行了有效的拓展
高分词汇:沿海地带 coastal area 室内泳池 indoor swimming pool
范例:I think Chinese would usually spend money on going to indoors swimming pool as there is no public swimming area for people in China. Also, the opportunities to swim in the sea depends on the geographic location, but not everyone lives near the sea.
4. What is the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?
解析:地点类的区别中 location 地点 environment 环境是最明显的区别,所以我们就可以很快的找到两者之间的不同,从两个角度来说,对答案进行深入的二次拓展最后我们仍然可以举例来说明自己的观点,因为是在PART1的部分,所以举自己的例子是非常方便的,可以说“我上次游泳是在游泳池里,感觉很好 The last time I swim is in the swimming pool, it feels good.”
表达对比的句型:compared with A, B is ...
范例:Compared to swimming in the pool, which is comparatively safe but has limited area, swimming in the sea provides people with more space so that people can fully enjoy the fun of swimming.
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