1.Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?
Most of my friends are my age and I have a few friends who are senior to me. The reason I have friends of my age is because they were mostly my classmates initially and then became my good friends. Majority of my friends are from my high school and college and that naturally make them to be my age.
2.Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?
When I was in my early teenage, I preferred many friends but nowadays I have few friends but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close friends than having too many ordinary friends.
3.Do you usually see your friends during week or at weekends? Why?
I usually see my friends during weekends. Week days are busy days and after I get back home in the evening, I prefer to stay at home with my family members.
4.Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?
I usually prefer to be with my friends. However there are times when I need my personal time and in this case I prefer solitude rather than companies.
5.The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
Well, we played badminton together and had our dinner in a nearby restaurant. That's the last thing I can recall doing with my friends and that would about a week ago.
6.What do you prefer: going out with your friends or spending your spare time staying at home?
That depends. Sometimes I prefer being with my friends and sometimes I prefer staying at home with my family members. I try to maintain a balance in terms of spending time with my friends and with my family. For example, while playing any outdoor sports, I prefer going out with friends.
7.Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?
As I've already said, I had many friends when I was in my high school. But these days I have comparatively fewer close friends.
8.Are friends as important to you as family?
To me my family is more important. However, this does not make my friends less important to me. Naturally family comes first for almost everybody and then the friendship. I am no exception.
9.What do you expect from a good friend?
Well, that's a tough question! Not that I have not thought about it, but I have never drawn a solid conclusion about it! Umm, my expectation from a good friend is that he would be a good companion, good listener, would criticize me whenever needed, would be supportive and positive. He must be honest and would have a sense of humour.
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