In an age of computer games, reality show and micro logs, I think there is no shortage of activities to keep us occupied. Yet the topic reminds me of a TV program that I often see. Happy Camp, an entertainment TV program broadcasting every Saturday evening, is produced by Hunan Broadcasting. It's pretty popular among Chinese audience.
Happy Camp is hosted by the so-called Happy Family: Five funny hosts and hostesses. HeJoin one of the hosts, is also a singer, an actor and an Arabic teacher in Beijing Foreign Studies University. One hostess named Xie Na is very humorous, quirky, cute and girly, and is good at making the audience laugh. Du Haitao, a little heavy, IS a host uponwhom the joke is played. Each episode features several popular celebrities as guest stars.
Sometimes even some celebrities from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan are invited. They participate in interviews, performing, and games.
The program is so entertaining that I often burst into laughter at some scenes and I frequently recommend it to the others.
I am really attracted by the program and I'm unwilling to miss every episode because it makes me relaxed and laugh a 101. Now I am under constant pressure from my daily live and seeing such kind of program is a good way to help me relieve the pressure.
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