本文整理了雅思口语话题:environment protect供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!
Is there any pollution in your city?
(In Anyang City, pollution is serious. )With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced. Most of this waste is harmful. It goes into the water, the soil and the air. Especially the air is often made very dirty by factories. In places around big factories , trees and vegetables are often killed by the bad air. Also, when we breathe the air , harm will be done to our health. Fortunately, people are beginning to realize just how serious the whole situation is. Government is taking measures to prevent pollution.
What has your government done to prevent pollution
The measures are:
(1)First, all new projects are to have lower discharge levels;
(2)Second, all sources of pollution must be identified and monitored.
(3)Third, all enterprises should assure a clean and safe work place.
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